Monday, June 1, 2020

Systems Analysis and Design - 2200 Words

Systems Analysis and Design for the Family First Medical Centre System (Coursework Sample) Content: Systems Analysis and Design:Name of student:Name of institution:Systems Analysis and Design for the Family First Medical Centre SystemPart A: System Requirement AnalysisIntroductionThe Family First Medical Centre System handles the most significantinformation in the confidentiality and organization of patient medical records that is the insurance and financial information.The system must be capable of handling appointment scheduling, maintenance of patient records,payment processing and tracking and management of medical history includingappointment notes, creating diagnosis and writing prescriptions and referrals (Kendall, 2013). It mustalso be secure and clearly viewable in many formats. There is the great need to ensure that there is accurate tracking of the records of all patients to ensure that the patient is well protected and the clinic is viable financially.Our overall plan and methodology throughout the analysis and design of thefamily first medical centre sy stem was to make a system that would allow for information to beaccessed, viewed and structured in diverse ways as outlined in our requirements. For this to be done, we constantly reevaluated those requirements (Kendall, 2013).While the system design often involves various team members whocomplete individual tasks to contribute to the whole system design, it is important that the teamconstantly discuss the requirements and the concept of the system, so that theindividual team member parts interact with the whole system perfectly. To adequately and completely meet the requirements and interact properlywith various actors and with the rest of the system, it was essential for team members todiscuss each section as a group by offeringsuggestions and evaluatingmethodology ideas (Kendall, 2013).This system analysis and design will ultimately demonstrate anincorporatedunderstanding of the family first medical centre systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s requirements as well as anuncomplicated, but inclusivea pproach to merging patient data for the clinicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s requirements. The diagram shown below represents the clinical primary actors expanded for use in the 3 case descriptions traceable in sequence diagrams (Kendall, 2013). Our analysis class diagram shows the relationships that exist in the classes and how the system has data that is organized in the sequence diagrams. Additionally, it describes how the classes are able to access the different systems. Our design class diagram goes a step farther and shows how those operations depicted in our individual sequence diagram that usually show the interaction between the systemsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ class organization. Additionally, it shows different navigability of different class associations (Kendall, 2013). Finally, our relational database schema details the attributes and relations within the system to demonstrate how each relation and its included data will be accessed by the system. Each section builds upon the previous and all are tra ceable back to our system requirements.ProblemsFrom our own experience using clinics and studying healthcare systems, we observed that one of the largest problems is redundancy of information and inconsistence of patient files (Kendall, 2013).Medical information systems are also notorious for being out-of-date, complex, redundant, disorganized and increasingly expensive.SolutionsAs ourkey goal, we created anintegrated patient information system. We created a system that linkedall of the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s information and data, so while it is easily accessible, it will greatly reduce redundancy of information.In order to create this simple and integrated system, we constantly reevaluated ourprogress to ensure that staff memberswould have instantly access to the systemprocesses that at the same time were not overlapping, but offered sufficient difficulty that they could search patient data from a variety of search criteria (Kendall, 2013).Business SolutionSmaller clinics with simpler needs of administrating appointments, basic medical histories, prescriptions, payments and referrals cannot pay for more complex systems and do not need them. We chose to evaluate the requirements for such a clinic and design a system that adequately meets their needs without involving unnecessary features while sustaining a simple organizational design.The small clinics in most cases are not in the position to afford expensive medical tools that are commonly found in other large hospitals. They also cannot afford the expensive medical equipments. Instead, they need a medical software system that can handle their more basic requirements while hanging within a convenient budget.Information GatheringOur team used 3 methods of information gathering:- Observation by our team members- Interviews with the staff (Assistants and Doctor)- Questionnaires filled out by patientsFunctional RequirementThe Family First Medical Centre System will requireallocating the following functions: 1 Log in 2 Log out 3 Manage Patients 1 Add a new patient 2 Edit existing patient information 3 C. Save new and updated patient information, including HIPAA with medical records. 4 Search and view Patient Information 4 View patient list, name of doctor who treated the patient, visits and appointment details. 5 View patient information, and have the ability to sort by field 6 Manage employee users 5 Add employee 6 Edit employee information 7 Delete employee 8 Add user login and password 9 Edit employee privileges 10 Change password 7 Manage appointments Add appointments Edit appointment information Delete appointments 8 View appointments and patient visits, and have the ability to sort by date or by any of the patient details 9 Edit patient medical history Add initial medical history Edit initial medical history Add appointment notes Edit appointment notes Add diagnosis, prescription, or referral to visit Edit prescription, diagnosis or referral Upload patient forms Edit patient forms 10 View medical history by visit date Search and view medical history by field (allergy, medical condition, medication,prescriptions, diagnoses, referral, forms or appointment notes) Make patient payment Make payment with credit card Make payment with cash or check Submit patient insurance claim View payments, and have the ability to sort by any of the patient detail, date, and visits Generate Reports Payment history for patient Patient detailed Information Patients with an outstanding balance Patient payments with insurance claims that need to be filed Patient payments with insurance issues Generate Monthly Reports Total billing per month Total payments per month Total patient payments per month Total billing per month per doctor Generate Yearly Reports Total billing per year per doctor Total patient payments per year Total payments per year Total billing per yearNon-Functional Requirements 1 The system will have a graphical user interface (GUI). 2 Eight weeks is the normal time consumed between the design and the initial analysis prior to the development or prototyping. 3 The system will be a web-based application and will be compatible with major web browsers. 4 User authentication will be required to gain access to the system. The system will automatic lock after a specified idling time expires and will prompt the user to enter the username and password to gain access again to the system.Other Important Assumption 1 The system is to be built on ASP.Net 2.0 using Microsoft Visual Studio. 2 The systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s database to be built on MYSQL 5.0+. 3 Credit card processing, insurance processing and medical databases are external to the system and should be maintained to the system by the relevant user who has privileges to perform a particular task. 4 Employees will scan and upload to the system any medical forms including the medical history.UsersFamily First Medical Centre System will be available for use by each of the following users:Administrator: The Administ rator manages accounts either by creating, deleting or updating. The administrator also manage level permission of each user in the systemDoctor: Doctors have the unique goals of Accessing patient information, accessing financial information, reviewing reports, filling charge slips and treat PatientsStaff: All staff of the clinic share goals of logging in and out of the system, managingpatient, generating financial reports, managing appointments, processing payments andgenerating invoices. Staff comprises ofAdministrative Staff and Medical.Medical Staff: Medical Staff are a subclass of Staff. Medical Staff members have unique goals of such as keeping the medical history of the patients, ensuring that all the appointments for patients and managing all the examination notes of all patients.Most of the medical Staffs in most hospitals comprises of the doctors and other people to assist them such as the nurses.Credit Card Company: This is the company that has the external system allowe d by the clinic to process its credit cards with the intention of easing the payment process.Insurance Company: This is a company that ensures that the insurance claim is processed and also ensures that the clinic adheres to the insurance objectives.Use Case DiagramLevel 1 DiagramTreat Patient:Activity DiagramsSet up New Appointment:Objects of the SystemThis section documents the system functionality and domain objects. It describes the systemfunctionality that the system provides at its interfaces, and the quality characteristics of these services. A number of objects are defined for the system and its main a...